b'BIODIVERSITYForest flora diversity Brazil is globally renowned for its great varia- is vitally important to protect them from(H) in JNP microbasintion in ecosystems containing diverse animal,avoidable impacts.Centaurus is committed plant and fungi populations.Home to 60%to protecting biodiversity and the first step in5.0of the Amazon Rainforest, which accounts forachieving this was through the compilation approximately one-tenth of all species in theof years of extensive baseline biodiversity4.5world, Brazil is considered to have the greatestresearch and data.Biodiversity indices for biodiversity of any country on the planet.Itflora and fauna were established as part of the4.0has the highest number of both terrestrialEIA-RIMA process.vertebrates and invertebrates of any countryThe Shannon index (H) is commonly used in3.5Diversity Index (H)in the world, with the most known species ofecology to represent diversity, which com-plants (55,000), freshwater fish (3,000) and3.0mammals (689).It also ranks third on the listbines the richness (variety) and abundance of countries with the most bird species (1,832)(number of occurrences) of the identified2.5and the second on the list of most reptile spe- species.The maximum H value under the Shannon Index is 5.The Shannon index was2.0cies (744). calculated for both flora and fauna based on The JNP is within the world-class Carajs Min- the data collected in the local area of the JNP,1.5eral Province in northern Brazil and is locatedand the results will be used as the baseline for within the Amazon Basin.With the Companysfuture plans to retain the integrity of the areas1.0primary focus being on the future develop- biodiversity and seek opportunities whereForestForest - tree layer - shrub layerment of JNP, understanding the biodiversitypossible to improve it.of all the ecosystems within the Project area Fauna diversity (H) in JNP microbasin5. Index (H) Birds Small terrestrialLarge Insects Fish Phytoplankton Zooplankton Benthicand reptiles mamamals mammals macroinvertebratesCapybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is a giant cavy rodent native to South America 17'